20/12/2023  Digital Illustration Arts



Every individual in the world has certain advantages in living life. No matter how big or small, something that has an advantage is still known as a talent.  A 21-year-old local youth dared to turn his talent in digital illustration art into a source of income.


From commission services such as logo making; graphics; designing posters to the art of digital illustration, is the starting point for Awang Muhammad Khuzairi Ariffin bin Haji Abdul Karim, undergraduates of Universiti Teknologi Brunei, starting a business around 2020. Better known as 'Jai', this student chose to name his business as 'Ilustrasi Jai '.


The service offered by Illustrasi Jai is drawing portraits digitally and printing digital illustrations according to the size desired by the customer. Awang Muhammad Khuzairi Ariffin hopes that his business will always be accepted by the public.


The talent that you have, even it is small, if it is honed and utilized properly, will be able to be used as a source of income.
