03/04/2024  Khatam Al-Qur'an Ceremony, Muslimah Affairs Division, Mosque Affairs Department



The Muslimah Affairs Division, Mosque Affairs Department in collaboration with Kampung Penanjong Mosque Takmir Committee in Tutong District organised an Al-Qur'an Khatam Ceremony for the Muslimah Guidance Class nationwide. The ceremony took place at Kampung Penanjong Mosque, 3rd April morning.


Present was Yang Berhormat Dayang Hajah Safiah binti Sheikh Haji Abd. Salam, a Member of the Legislative Council. The ceremony aimed to further increase the religious acts in the month of Ramadhan, especially through the reading of Al-Qur'an to reap multiple rewards and goodness from Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.
