17/04/2024  Spectrum Exhibition 2024



Final year undergraduates of the Design and Creative Industries (DCI) Programme, under the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Universiti Brunei Darussalam, UBD, organised a 'Spectrum Unveil 2024' art exhibition. The Launching Ceremony was held on 17th April morning, at Chancellor Hall, UBD.


The exhibition was officiated by Doctor Hazri bin Haji Kifle, Vice Chancellor of UBD. Over 50 undergraduates are showcasing their creative designs in this year's spectrum. Spectrum is an annual graduation exhibition showcasing the artistic artworks for undergraduates aside from being a creative platform for undergraduates from the programme to encapsulate the learning outcomes of the four-year programme they have been a part of.


Spectrum is held for a month until the 17th of May and is open to the public every Tuesday to Sunday from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon and on Fridays, from 2 until 6 in the afternoon.
