The event of Isra' Mi'raj is one of the signs of the greatness and power of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala that was shown to Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Some lessons that can be learned include the attitude of accepting advice and taking care of the importance of prayer. The matter was included in the talk in conjunction with the Isra' Mi'raj celebration, organised by the Pengiran Muda Abdul Wakeel Kiudang Tutong Mosque Takmir Committee, 2nd February night.
The talk titled “Sembahyang Mencerdaskan Minda" delivered by Dr. Haji Abang Hadzmin bin Haji Abang Taha, Acting Deputy Raes of KUPUSB, also touched on the obligations that need to be fulfilled in order to obtain the perfection of prayer.