26/03/2023  Ramadhan Stalls become the Focus of Visitors



It has become common every time the holy month of Ramadhan arrives, Ramadhan stalls become the focus of the public to buy various delicacies to break the fast.


Entrepreneurs do not miss the opportunity to do business, while generating income in the month full of blessings.  To make it easier for entrepreneurs, several stall areas are provided by the authorities. In Belait District, several areas have been prepared for entrepreneurs.


The main focus are the Tudong Saji Kuala Belait open area and the Pasarneka in Seria. In the open area of Tudong Saji, some 140 entrepreneurs sell a variety of food from drinks, side dishes and sweets. The voices of entrepreneurs promoting their sales enlivened the festive atmosphere of Ramadhan stalls. Ramadhan stalls are also set up in mukims and villages in Belait District to make it easier for the public, especially local residents, to get food for breaking the fast.
